Greg Turbo Linder: A brief bit about me

Me, standing in front of switchgear I am Greg: This is me, standing in front of switchgear after finishing up a long day of testing at a solar site outside Phoenix. I have a great range of interests, and am a bit of a renaissance man. I love music, dance, and engineering. Over the past few years, I have really dug into a bunch of cool random physical things, having finally accepted some of this CO outdoorsy/fitness attitude. In no particular order, and as a shout-out for the great people who run these gyms and businesses, I present a couple of great gyms and activites that I really enjoy:

Some other things about me, in no particular order:

My first large scale solar jobsite This is me on my first large-scale PV plant several years back, with most of the crew who really got me up to steam on large-scale solar projects. One of the best things about the engineering discipline I have found myself in is being able to work with large numbers of motivated, friendly, and smart people. I have always felt great joy at teams of people doing awesome things together.

Crew reunion My love of putting great things together with teams of people really came about in high school. This is a photo, taken in 2014, of my thespian friends who worked together to put on years of professional-quality high school shows over a decade ago, a tradition which continues to this day at the theater we all enjoyed.

My friends in that photo are now actors, project managers, comedians, government employees, costume designers, engineers, architects, and lawyers, among others. We all share a passion for working hard together to successfully do things larger than ourselves. There is something special about doing live theater with serious people, as it teaches a type of real time trust, enabling you to trust people to do what they know they are good at in a flowing, collaborative fashion.

Today, although I no longer work in the theater, I feel the same type of enjoyment when working with great crews on an engineering project. When that switchgear is energized, or that circuit board is powered on, everything needs to be right enough to work, and you have to trust people to deal with whatever happens in real time in a safe and competant manner.

In front of the remains of the world's first nuclear reactor I love weddings. In between the (beautiful) ceremony and the other events for the afternoon, my friend and I, who were guests at our mutual friend's wedding, had some downtime. Turns out that the Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago is a fifteen minute drive away from the famous (to some) Site A/Plot M disposal site. Great to have friends that are willing to troupe through a rainstorm to pose by a marker of the world's first reactor. There were only the two of us, she we took turns taking pictures, then I (poorly) added the other in, so we could have a group shot.

Dancing with a lovely partner I love to dance, and Denver has a large and vibrant dance community. This is me with a dance partner at a blues event in early 2014. I do not dance nearly as much as I used to, as early mornings are now very valuable to me for other reasons. However, in total, I have been dancing in some form for over half of my life. It has been, and continues to be, a wonderful pasttime and hobby.

The cast and crew of Crazy for You, in 2002 This was a great moment. This is the cast of the 2002 Illini Union Board Musical, Crazy for You, and one of the few shows in which I was able to perform. This was one of the actors' last shows, and everyone (including the orchestra) got together to sing him his favorite song. I would have loved to have done more shows in college, but an engineering degree is really hard, especially if your are balancing love of theater with a love of building things outside of engineering coursework.